Lesson Plan for Primary 6 - National Values Education - eligious Intolerance In Nigeria + Benefit Of Patr

Lesson Plan: National Values Education for Primary 6

Topic: Religious Intolerance in Nigeria, Benefits of Patronizing Nigerian Goods, and Emergency Phone Numbers

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  1. Understand the concept of religious intolerance and its impacts in Nigeria.
  2. Recognize the benefits of patronizing locally made Nigerian goods.
  3. Identify and memorize important emergency phone numbers.

Materials Needed:

  • Chart paper or whiteboard
  • Markers
  • Handouts with key points
  • Emergency phone numbers handouts
  • Videos depicting religious harmony and the importance of patronizing local goods (if available)
  • Flashcards with corresponding scenarios for emergency numbers

Time: 60 minutes

Introduction (10 minutes):

  1. Greeting and Settling Down:
    • Welcome students warmly and have them settle down.
  2. Hook Activity:
    • Ask students if they have ever witnessed acts of kindness towards people of a different religion. Allow a few to share their experiences.
    • Introduce the lesson topic and give a brief outline of what will be covered.

Main Content:

Section 1: Religious Intolerance in Nigeria (15 minutes)

  1. Discussion:
    • Define religious intolerance and give a few real-life examples from Nigeria.
    • Discuss the causes of religious intolerance, such as lack of understanding, misinformation, and prejudice.
    • Explain the effects of religious intolerance, including conflict, violence, and division in communities.
  2. Activity:
    • Divide students into small groups and give them a scenario involving religious intolerance. Ask each group to come up with a peaceful solution and present it.
  3. Conclusion:
    • Stress the importance of tolerance, respect, and understanding among different religious groups for a harmonious society.

Section 2: Benefits of Patronizing Nigerian Goods (15 minutes)

  1. Discussion:
    • Explain what it means to patronize Nigerian goods and why it is important.
    • List the benefits such as supporting local businesses, boosting the economy, creating jobs, and fostering national pride.
  2. Activity:
    • Show students examples of locally produced items (if available).
    • Have an interactive session where students discuss their favorite Nigerian products and why they enjoy using them.
  3. Conclusion:
    • Encourage students to always consider buying locally-made goods to support the nation.

Section 3: Emergency Phone Numbers (10 minutes)

  1. Discussion:
    • Explain what emergency phone numbers are and why they are important.
    • Provide students with a list of key emergency numbers (Police, Fire Service, Ambulance, etc.).
  2. Activity:
    • Hand out flashcards with different emergency scenarios.
    • Have students match the scenarios with the appropriate emergency number.
  3. Conclusion:
    • Ensure that students memorize the key emergency phone numbers.

Review and Recap (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points from each section.
  • Ask questions to ensure understanding and clear any doubts.

Evaluation (5 minutes):

  • Have a quick quiz based on the topics discussed, including definitions, scenarios, and benefits.

Closing (5 minutes):

  • Appreciate students for their participation.
  • Provide additional resources or references for further reading.
  • Encourage applying the learned values in their daily lives.


  • Ask students to write a short essay on how they can promote religious tolerance in their communities.
  • Prompt them to list five Nigerian products they often use and the benefits they believe these products bring to the society.

End of Lesson Plan